"There is no longer foreigner and citizen, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."

- Galatians 3:28
To be a Christian means to share life together with God, our neighbors, and the whole creation.

You don’t have to meet some made-up standard of worthiness to be part of our life together. You just have to show up and bring yourself. Whatever your race, marital status, wealth or poverty, sexuality, age, perceived ability, immigration stauts, level of belief or unbelief, or anything else about you...

...there is a place for you here!


In our community life together we:

  • Share lots of good food, thanking God for what we receive
  • Hear God speaking to us in one another’s voices, learning and growing in wisdom
  • Sing and make music together
  • Celebrate milestones in our lives, and support each other through difficulties
  • Observe the seasons of the Church through traditions that are contemplative and joyful
  • Pray for the whole creation
  • Encourage one another for our daily vocations serving in the world

As ELCA Christians, we intentionally seek out relationships with people of other faiths and no faith, partnering together for the sake of the world.

At the same time, we claim the distinctive gifts of our Lutheran way of participating in Christ’s Church.