Click here to watch Sunday worship live at 9:00 AM via Facebook | Contact the office for Zoom information
Come as you are... God already loves you!

(Your presence makes our gathering more complete)

Whoever you are, you are welcome to participate as fully in our worship as you feel called or comfortable.

With ancient symbols, embodied gestures, powerful words, and songs that give voice to the deepest parts of us, we gather as the body of Christ to thank and praise our great God. In this gathering, we are comforted and challenged, healed and broken open, and sent out into the world again to love as Jesus first loved us.

What to expect your first time:
  • Worship starts at 9:00 am on Sundays. You’ll probably want to arrive five minutes early to get a good seat.
  • As you enter, greeters will welcome you, and can help you locate our nursery, assistive listening devices, and restrooms.
  • Ushers will hand you a printed bulletin and red hymnal.
  • You will have an opportunity to introduce yourself, or be introduced by a neighbor (if you wish) during the welcome.
  • Services usually last a little more than an hour. Afterwards, there is coffee, snacks, and a chance for casual conversations.
  • You’ll see people dressed in shorts, jeans, and t-shirts; skirts and slacks; blazers, hats, and ties. Wear anything that is appropriate in public!
"This is what God's kingdom is like: a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they are hungry, because they said yes. And there's always room for more."

- Rachel Held Evans

At Bethlehem, we celebrate Communion every Sunday. God offers this meal to you and all people so that you will know you are loved, and to transform you into the body of Christ for the sake of the world. You are welcome to celebrate and receive Christ with us at the table, whether you are a guest or member, believer or doubter. Details are in the bulletin.

We are an intergenerational community of faith, and children are most welcome in our worship service! A brief children’s sermon is given each week, and children are welcome to receive communion or a blessing. We have themed Sunday sacks with a Bible story activity for children under 10, and baby sacks for preschoolers that include crayons and a toy or puzzle to keep little hands busy. These can be picked up as you enter the worship space.

If your child needs a break during the worship service, there is plenty of room in our beautiful Gathering Space, just outside the Sanctuary. There is a small playground in our courtyard. We also have a nursery, staffed with background-checked caregivers during our worship service. It is intended for children under 5, and you’ll find it in the lower level of the building, on the east side of the courtyard.